
What is love definition
What is love definition

(1): strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties Lewis noted in The Four Loves, the word "love" has multiple meanings in different contexts as outlined below: Charles Stanley, Life Prinicples Bible NotesĪccording to Merriam-Webster, similar to what C.S. As people who have His love living within us, we need to represent Christ’s authentic kindness and forgiveness to others.” -Dr. God’s unconditional love should characterize our lives.

what is love definition

Love is more than just words it requires action. “Since we are His children, we must walk in His unconditional love. “God is love.” ( 1 John 4:16) Through Christ, we have access to His wisdom through the living Word of Scripture, providing us wisdom to live out a life of love over fear. “There is no fear in love.” - 1 John 4:18 NIV How are we supposed to live out the words Paul penned to the Ephesians when there is a new fear, anxiety, pain, or problem lurking around every corner of our lives? “I’m not afraid anymore,” Kevin declared as he bounded triumphantly into the frostbit air with his newfound courage in the movie “Home Alone.” “Did you hear me? …I’m not afraid anymore!” In an instant, he found himself face-to-face with an entirely different fear than the one he had prepared to face, and took off screaming into his house.

what is love definition

Definitions of Love in the Bible & Dictionary

What is love definition